Monday, January 28, 2008


I like to keep long hair for a change ... somehow.... I can not make it !! As soon as my hair reaches shoulder length, it looks terrible! ( I mean I look terrible ! ) Not only I will look sick and sleepy.... I feel uncomfortable to look myself into the mirror~~Thought, I might try a box cut and make it a bit shorter above the shoulder........ so I went to the hair salon 2 weeks ago ..... Well, it looked fine for the first 2 days; then , the more I look at it, the more I felt that the back portion just not right ! So, I went to another hair salon last Saturday. Now I got back my old fashioned short hair...... I am feeling good to see the old ME........

( Not very Long )

( Medium )

(Short !!! )

ps : I am getting crazy these days..... just like to take my own pics whenever I have the mood ! You won't see my hand as I have to hold the camera ! :):):):)

1 comment:

BYL-And-Ah-Don said...

what do you mean "old ME" ???? Don't you me "mature ME" ??? !!!!! :)) :)) :)) :))