Ah Don said.... " Today, we have the big job to do!"
Me : "What's that?"
Ah Don : " We have to adjust all the clocks"
That's really big job!! because we have too many clocks...... Believe it or not !!
Just look at our clocks ; they are my collection since I came here!!"
Am I going to stop buying???
I guess Not!!! because whenever I came across clocks at the garage sale..... I just can't walk away without them once I found theminteresting !......after all they are not too expensive and affordable:::;;;; Not an expensive collection OKay !hahahahahahahaha....
Why do we have to adjust the time today ??
The following is an extract from what I reas this morning for reference:-
Daylight Saving Time in the United States
In the United States Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 a.m. local time on the second Sunday in March. On the first Sunday in November areas on Daylight Saving Time return to Standard Time at 2:00 a.m. During Daylight Saving Time turn your clocks ahead one hour. At the end of Daylight Saving Time turn your clocks back one hour.The names in each time zone change along with Daylight Saving Time. Eastern Standard Time (EST) becomes Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), and so forth. Arizona, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa do not observe Daylight Saving Time. In the United States, Under the Uniform Time Act, the Department of Transportation is in charge of time zones in the United States and ensuring that jurisdictions observing Daylight Saving Time begin and end on the same date.On Monday August 8, 2005 President Bush signed into law a broad energy bill that extended Daylight Saving Time by four weeks beginning in 2007. Since 1986 the United States had observed Daylight Saving Time from the first Sunday in April through the last Sunday in October. The provisions of the bill call for Daylight Saving Time to begin three weeks earlier on the second Sunday in March and end on the first Sunday in November. Read our special section about the extension of Daylight Saving Time.
DST Begins at 2 a.m. DST Ends at 2 a.m.
2007 March 11 to November 4
2008 March 9 to November 2
2009 March 8 to November 1
2010 March 14 to November 7
2008 March 9 to November 2
2009 March 8 to November 1
2010 March 14 to November 7
Daylight-saving time began during World War I in some countries to conserve energy. The idea began in Germany and Britain and was used off and on by the United States into the 1960s, when Congress standardized the start and end dates for states that participated.In 1974, daylight-saving time again was signed into law by President Richard Nixon as a way to conserve power during the energy crisis of that era.
"During the transportation study, we found that daylight-saving time reduces electrical energy uses, it reduces traffic accidents and fatalities, it reduces outdoor crimes and it gives a lifestyle that benefits most people," said Prerau.
"Most people prefer to have the extra hour of daylight."And the reason Americans switch back in the fall is a compromise for those who don't like the daylight-saving time method, he said.
You are right love, the clocks are not that expensive. But, how many batteries are all of those clocks using?? Since a number of them chime, it almost impossible to hear anything else when they all start chiming the hour! :)) :))
But that is ok love. You keep buying and we will find space for them. Also, you should have included you watch collection. I think you have more watches than clocks ! ? ! ?
Now a question. With all of those timepieces in the house, why are you always late??? !!! :)) :)) :))
Hey Hey !!!
All these lovely clocks are for Collection and display only. I use one of them for tme keeeping,unfortunatley,it is always kept half an hour behind time! That's why you have to remind me half an hour ahead in advance!!!
Hmmmm.... look like someone is complaining about the cost of maintenance to all my closks. Let's see how often do I have to cahnge the batteries ... a year or so ??? Would it be more costly than to maintain your daily consumption of cigarettes eh ????
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