Friday, July 25, 2008

I Need To Brag (well just a little)

My youngest son Chris has been prompted to General Manager of the Animal Hospital where he works. When I asked him about his responsibilities he answered, EVERYTHING!! Chris has had some tough times in the past and this is definitely a GIANT STEP forward for him. Way to go Chris!!! I knew you had it in you. Never look back.

My oldest son Jason just accepted the position of Vice President at Merrill Lynch! Jason had been thinking of leaving and they made him "an offer he couldn't refuse". I guess he must be doing something they like. Congratulations Jason!

OK. I'll stop bragging now. However, I must say I know where they got their good looks and intelligence!! HA! HA! HA!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

OUR TRIP TO ORLANDO 2nd July to 6th July 2008

These are Pic of Firework taken in Magic Kingdom of Disney Land, Orlando on 4th July 2008. This was the first time I tried to capture the firework with our FUJIFILM Camera. Not professional but aren't they interesting & unique ????

Ah Don is not showing you the way to the ride.
It is just a big painting on the wall !

These pic were taken by Jason.
In other outings, we did not have the chance to take photo together.

We spent our first day in the Magic kingdom from 8.20 am to 11:00 pm on 4th July the park opened till 1:00am. On the 2nd day, we spent out time at Hollywood Studios from 10:00 am to 10:30 pm. We ventured to all kinds of ride and fun games. Space Mountain, Tomorrowland Indy speedway, splash mountain, rock"n" Roller Coaster , The Twilight Zone of Tower of Terror ( drop 13 stories) Toys Story Midway Mania
Couldn't believe that I could survive without a "heart attack"!!
It was a good thing to find that both of us were very energetic. The show that I like the most is " Fantasmic" It was a nighttime spectacular with lasers light, dancing fountains and special effect. Very technical !!
Jason went for all the FASTPASS tickets to save our time in lining up to enter. Some attractions took more than 2 hours of waiting in line. Overall, this was a nice trip for us to be together for fun.. .. Jason and the kids- Marc and Brooke, me, Ah Don and Jaclyn.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


It's Saturday again ! Ah Don has to supervise some upgrading works on networking system so he is back to the office. That means I have to miss my "Garage Sale" activity today!!! What a loss !!!:(:(:(

However, I still woke up early as usual; just want to make sure he have the coffee and cookies with him to the office.

Eh ! talk about "cookies", "snack" or "Ice Cream" kind of stuff... Ah Don will answer this to me " I don't need that !" whenever I asked if we need some at the grocery store !! When we have them at home, he would eat more than I do, particularly when he was watching the late night TV show (who knows what show he was watching !!!! ). And this always happened after I have gone sound sleep !! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Reason ?? so that I would not have the chance to stop him !Ha ha haha..... sometime, he is still a kid when comes to "snack".

Since I am at home it gave me a good chance to chat with my daughter Su-Yee online just now. She listen to me and let me clear away some of the unhappy feelings that stuck within me during the period when Don's youngest daughter from Seattle came visiting. I have a difficult time to encounter the feeling of being dumped???

Can anyone image how hurt it can be when you were there siting and that you are excluded to recive even a simple word of "Good Nite" and there were hugging and kissing goodnight next to you ???

Anyway.... I am glad that I have my days back again! Everything should be back to normal ! I am glad that she landed her home sweet home yesterday. I am pleased that I have a chance to say some words to her before she left and hoped that she got my message.

All the best to you Jaclyn!! Hope you really enjoy the good & quality time with your dad here.


Beside this, I am excited to receive the following Certificate from eBay !!!

Good Job eh !!

PS : I am supposed to post some pics of our visit to Orlando in early July. I mentioned this to my daughter,but regretedly, I did not have the mood to do so . I feel bad !

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Reply To "WE HAVE A PROBLEM !!!"

Yes, the AC is on all day. But, it is programmed to change during the day. 6:30 to 9:00 - 26C, 9:00 to 17:30 - 29C, 17:30 to 23:00 - 26C, 23:00 to 6:30 - 27C The problem here in Florida is that the summertime is very warm with high humidity. This is prime conditions for the dreaded BLACK MOLD !!! If you get mold in the house then a.) It is Very Very Very difficult to get rid of the mold. and b.) It will KILL you !!! So, must keep the AC running to both cool the house and keep the humidity down.

In terms of the fan, I turn the ceiling fan on every night !! I have learned to cover my legs to avoid the cramps and I can deal with the clogged head in the morning (it clears within an hour after I get up).

Sooooooooo, do we have a problem ??? :)) :)) :)) :))

In terms of the young lady (Jaclyn), I have already observed that she has changed a LOT in the past three years. I think this visit will go very well. Everyone just needs to keep an open mind and make a few little adjustments and it will all be fine. :) :)

Just my thoughts.